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Jay - Z hits the platinum mark with his latest album Magna Carta Holy Grail. Is this a surprise?  With a million copies given away for free to my "team galaxy" companions, it was inevitable.  Now jigga man is one of the few artists that constantly delivers music worth buying and yet again he comes through, with this being his 12th #1 album.  In my opinion even with the million albums given away he still would have hit the platinum mark. Everyone is gonna get that hard copy ...... I know I will.

P.s.     MCHG is the best album of the year (my opinion)


As we all might know, Joe Budden from "Love and Hip-Hop" holds nothing back from his fans on social media. Therefore it comes to NO SURPRISE that him and Tahiry have yet again broken up -- Yet, is he insinuating Tahiry is PREGNANT?! Check Joe Budden's Tweets below:

Many believe this could just be some hype for "Love and Hip-Hop" which is currently filming... but i guess we just have to wait and see.

Coming into Game 7, the Heat and Spurs were both physically and mentally exhausted after an epic Game 6. The Heat had the momentum after an improbable win and the Spurs were trying to figure out how to come back from a historic collapse in the final minute of Game 6.

James ended Game 7 with a total of 37 points and 12 rebounds, enough to win him the Finals MVP title.
For James, it was another step toward rarefied air. Had the Heat lost, James would have fallen to 1-3 in the NBA's championship rounds, and his legion of critics would have been banging on his door with more "He's no Jordan."  Instead, James delivered with the clutch performances that have now become the norm for him.
Asked after claiming the MVP trophy how he handles the pressure of constant scrutiny from NBA writers and analysts, James simply shrugged it off.

"What everybody say about me off the court, don't matter. I ain't got no worries," the star said to applause.


Congraulation again to Miami Heat for their win! Now lets get ready for Football season! Go Miami Dolphins!!!



A 22-year old man from Florida was arrested for allegedly hitting his disabled father in the head several times for trying to tell him how to make Kool-Aid.

Brandon Antron Crosley, was arrested Wednesday in his Cocoa, FL apartment complex where he lives with his father.

Police reports state that Greg Crosleys son “was making Kool-Aid and was doing it wrong,” so he “attempted to give Brandon advice on how to properly prepare the drink.”

Not interested in hearing his father’s advice, Brandon punched him several times in the head and ran off before the police could arrive.

Soon after, the son was caught red handed in a nearby apartment.
I guess the flavor kool-aid was "RED".
